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Self Renewing Dairy Cultures


FRESH DAIRY KEFIR GRAINS   Not Soymilk Compatible

A gift from the Balkan countries, these reusable, actively growing, culture grains are composed of beneficial yeasts and bacteria living symbiotically, that is, together in harmonious balance.  Culturing fresh Kefir is simple.  Choose any Pasteurized dairy milk (soy milk is too different and will not work) to pour over the grains.  Stir occasionally for about 24 hours at moderate room temperature (65-75 degrees F) before straining through a strainer into a bowl.  What pours through is Kefir that you drink, or make into cheese.  The grains in the strainer are then put into fresh milk.  To keep this Culture Starter active, culture every 24 to 48 hours.  As you do this, the grains will multiply allowing you to make larger amounts of Kefir.  We supply grains enough to make 2 cups of Kefir to start.  These Dairy Kefir Grains will last indefinitely if properly cared for.

Included instructions explain how to vary the consistency and tartness of the Kefir.  Recipe suggestions include cooling drinks, dips, salad dressings and Kefir cheese.  Our Dairy Kefir Grains are fresh, not dehydrated, so you can get started right away!

We do not recommend the use of Raw Milks as they CAN carry a heavy bacterial load that CAN compete with these Dairy Cultures, alter the taste and may kill the culture.  We recommend a good quality Pasteurized milk with no additives. (Not Ultra Pasteurized!)  When our customers, (especially those new to culturing) purchase our dairy cultures we want them to have the greatest success, as these can last indefinitely if properly cared for.  If you choose to use raw milk, at your own risk, please use a reputable source known for their cleanliness.


Fresh Dairy Kefir Grains  

 Email for Availability

Order Directions and Form: Within U.S.



FRESH FIL MJÖLK (from Sweden) Soy milk Compatible*

Fil Mjölk is a cultured milk drink that has a clean and mild flavor, similar to cultured buttermilk.  At Breakfast Buffets in Sweden, it is served from a large bowl with a ladle and is also found for sale in every store that sells dairy products.  Each time it is cultured, a small portion becomes the starter for the next.  Fil Mjölk is easy to culture in a jar at room temperature(65-75 degrees F) with Pasteurized milk (whole, low fat, nonfat, half & half or cream) for about 24 hours until it "sets".  Together, dairy Fil Mjölk starter and soymilk make a rich cultured soy drink.

Instructions included with the Fresh Fil Mjölk Starter explain the easy culturing method and include some simple soft cheese recipes and a soy milk variation.  Fil Mjölk is used to make Creme Fraiche or European clotted cream if made with half & half; a close relative and good substitute for Piima.  To keep this Culture Starter active, culture once a week to ten days.  One Fil Mjölk starter can last for indefinitely if properly cared for.

*Soymilk compatible however, the Fil Mjölk organisms will not prosper in Soy more than a few generations.  For this reason, we urge you to maintain your Fil Mjölk on dairy then use a small amount of it to culture with soymilk.

We do not recommend the use of Raw Milks as they CAN carry a heavy bacterial load that CAN compete with these Dairy Cultures, alter the taste and may kill the culture.  We recommend a good quality Pasteurized milk with no additives. (Not Ultra Pasteurized!)  When our customers, (especially those new to culturing) purchase our dairy cultures we want them to have the greatest success, as these can last indefinitely if properly cared for.  If you choose to use raw milk, at your own risk, please use a reputable source known for their cleanliness.


Fresh Fil Mjölk  

  No Longer Available

Order Directions and Form: Within U.S.


FRESH VIILI (from Finland) Soy milk Compatible*

Our Viili is a tasty cultured milk product from that came from Finland with our family over 100 years ago!  As with Fil Mjölk, no special incubators are needed.  Just put the starter into a clean bowl, add Pasteurized milk (whole, low-fat, nonfat, half & half or cream), lightly cover and leave at moderate room temperature (65-75 degrees F) for 24-30 hours until it "sets".  That's all there is to it!  The flavor is mild, not tart, and the texture is creamy and honey-like and is eaten with a spoon. Yes, our Viili is the ropey variety!

Use soy milk, plain or flavored, and dairy Viili culture for a virtually dairy-free soy treat.  Instructions are included along with some recipes for making Viili cream cheese, plain or with fresh herbs.  To keep this Culture Starter active, culture once a week to ten days.  One Viili starter can last for years if properly cared for.

*Soymilk compatible however, the Viili organisms will not prosper in Soy more than a few generations.  For this reason, we urge you to maintain your Viili on dairy then use a small amount of it to culture with soymilk.

We do not recommend the use of Raw Milks as they CAN carry a heavy bacterial load that CAN compete with these Dairy Cultures, alter the taste and may kill the culture.  We recommend a good quality Pasteurized milk with no additives. (Not Ultra Pasteurized!)  When our customers, (especially those new to culturing) purchase our dairy cultures we want them to have the greatest success, as these can last indefinitely if properly cared for.  If you choose to use raw milk, at your own risk, please use a reputable source known for their cleanliness.


Fresh Viili


  No Longer Available

Order Directions and Form: Within U.S.



These wonderful cloth covers are an attractive way to cover your ferments whether it is Dairy Kefir, Kombucha or Water Kefir, etc.  Made of stretchy 95% Cotton-5% Spandex and elastic, they snuggly fit the quart, half gallon and gallon size jars (3.25"-5.5"), as well as a bowl when making Villi, keeping dust and pests out of your ferments.  Available in 8 colors.  Reusable and hand washable, just lay flat to dry!  These covers are handmade locally, for GEM Cultures by Darling Dunhams.

Fermentation Cloth Covers Please State Color: Red, Royal Blue, Black, Gray, Green, Navy, White or Yellow.  No Longer Available

                                                                                                                                                                                            Order Directions and Form: Within U.S.

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